Marcus and Martinus: We are going on tour in 2020!

Marcus and Martinus: We are going on tour in 2020!


Hello guys! First of all, how are you feeling these days, keeping in mind that you travel a lot? Are you tired?

Marcus: Hey Teen Star! We are good! I’m not feeling that tired, actually.

Martinus: Me neither. We have been traveling a bit, but actually we have traveled a lot less this year than last year, when we had two European tours and a LOT of traveling!

Did you like Shanghai? What were your first impressions on China?

Martinus: I think that my first impression was that it was huge! So big!

Marcus: Yeah, I agree. And almost everything was completely different from everything we have seen before. Which kinda isn’t so weird, as we were on the total other side of the world!

Were you surprised with your fanbase over there?

Martinus: Yeah. We didn’t expect that we had any fans there at all, but when we asked in our social media there was a lot of response, and some fans even came to meet us, that was awesome!

Marcus: China does not have the same social media apps that we use the most, like Instagram and YouTube and Tik Tok, so it’s not really easy to discover us when you live there! So extra impressive that they found us somehow.

Martinus: Yeah, but now I think we will make accounts on some of their social media as well. We’re coming for you, Asia!

Foto: Fred Jonny

You first rose to fame in Norway, but then grew to become one of the most famous young acts in whole Europe – and other parts of world, for sure. Would you say that music knows for no border and that it speaks universal language?

Marcus: yes, absolutely! That’s the best thing about music, not just our music but every kind of music, that it doesn’t matter where you are from or what language you’re talking. The music is for everyone.

Martinus: One of the coolest things I know is when we’re on stage in another country and singing one of our Norwegian songs, and the entire audience knows EVERY word. Like «Elektrisk». Thousands of people in Czech Republic or Croatia or Greece suddenly knows Norwegian lyrics. Thats just amazing.

Speaking of music, are you working on new songs?

Marcus: We’re always working with music and our sound, playing with ideas and getting better at playing guitar and piano. So yeah!

Martinus: We’re not in the studio right now, and don’t know when our next release will be yet, but soon! We’re super excited to get started at our next chapter.

Foto: Fred Jonny

Do you have any musical influences right now? Did you think of experimenting with other genres?

Martinus: We listen to a lot of different music, and I think there’s so many talented artists that are making so much cool music right now. But we also listen to songs from like the 70’s and 80’s, and get influenced from a lot of different stuff I think.

Marcus: I listen to a lot of rap music. I really like that. But that doesn’t mean that we will start making rap music. Or maybe we will…? Haha!

What about tour? You opened for Jason Derulo, had huge “Moments Tour” – so, what’s next?

Marcus: There will be a new tour in 2020! We can’t share any details yet, but we’re definitely excited to go back on tour and meeting our fans. We miss them!

Martinus: Yeah, and we really want to know where you guys want us to come, so keep telling us where we should go in 2020!

Foto: Agri Soltanpanah

Last time you visited and performed in our region: Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. Is there something you vividly remember from those visits?

Martinus: I remember that the support from the fans was massive and that we felt so welcome!

Marcus: Oh, but Martinus, don’t you remember the food?! The food was awesome!

Martinus: That’s true, how could I forget! The food was great.

Your fanbases here are huge so I have to ask – you are coming back here again, right?

Both: YES!

Foto: Agri Soltanpanah

With everything going on in your lives, do you have time to focus on exams?

Martinus: We just had our exams in social studies, actually. We do only one subject at the time, so we can keep up.

Marcus: School is super important, so of course we take our time to do homework and study wherever we are.

It seems that you are pretty open on your social media channels. How do you dose what will you share with your fanbase?

Marcus: Hmmm, I feel like we share a lot, and the fans knows a lot about us. But of course there is also some things that are private too.

Martinus: I think we share the things we think that they will like!

Foto: Fred Jonny

Dont give up on your dreams, soon they might come true” is your motto, if I’m not mistaken. How do you overcome potential obstacles that are on your path?

Marcus: Oh, that’s a good question! I think the most important thing is to work hard, to make your dreams come true.

Martinus: And to surround yourself with talented people that can help you and that you can learn from.

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